Ryton Pools Country Park

Ryton Pools Circular Walk

Ryton Pools Country Park, in the heart of Warwickshire and just half an hour from Knowle, is a great place to visit all year round, whether for springtime bluebells in the woods, summer fun in the sun, autumn colour reflected in the water or a winter walk on solid ground.

The one and a half mile circular walk featured here is particularly suited to winter strolling when the going is soft. but also, at any season, for those less able to tackle rougher ground. It uses only well maintained hard surfaces and is fully accessible to wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

To get to Ryton Pools, one can whizz up the A45 through Coventry to Ryton and turn right. Nicer, though, to display a map on the phone and plunge into the pleasure of a country drive through Wroxall, Beausale, Leek Wootton and Hill Wootton to Cubbington and then turn up the A445 to pass through the delightful village of Bubbenhall.

Here, in the heart of the village, just off the A445, sits the Malt Shovel. This Inn and Restaurant, mentioned in the Good Pub Guide, offers refreshment either to set you up for the walking ahead or to unwind with after a visit to the Pools.

The 100 acre Country Park itself, with its two small lakes, is a great place to see birds and wildfowl. It is just north of Bubbenhall and entry is currently £3.50 per car. It is a short walk from the Car Park to the Visitor Centre.

The walking route starts by following the signs to Ryton Pool and then taking the path that goes all the way around this picturesque lake in a clockwise direction.

At the end of the lakeside path there is a childrens’ playground. Just beyond this take a left turn onto a path alongside a tree lined stream. This leads eventually to the Bird Hide at Paget’s Pool. Before reaching the Pool, however, a left turn onto a path over the stream provides the option of diversionary stroll in the woodland before returning to this route.

By Paget’s Pool, the path starts to ascend a hill and swing to the right. Near the top of the hill, a right turn then takes you back to the Visitor Centre.