The Conservation Area in Knowle was only the sixth to be designated nationally after the status was introduced in England in 1967. It was secured by the joint efforts of the Knowle Society and Solihull Council, who acted to protect the original village from the loss and redevelopment of further fine historic buildings in the wake of the loss of several, such as the former White Swan public house, felled to make way for what was the less attractive National Westminster Bank building.

The 50th Anniversary of this designation was celebrated in the village in July 2018 with an exhibition, guided walks around the village, church tower tours and a treasure hunt for youngsters, organised by Knowle Society with support from the Library, the Church and local retail outlets.

With the Church and Guild House at its heart, the Conservation Area has 87 nationally and locally listed buildings within its boundary and the Conservation Area his status protects the heart of the village from the loss of more protected buildings and unsuitable development, inconsistent with the ‘feel’ of the historic centre.

Any proposed development in the Conservation Area is subject to an additional layer of scrutiny before planning approval by the Council’s Conservation Officers as well as Knowle Society.

Further information can be found in the Council’s Conservation Area Appraisal.